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Multiple Sclerosis

Using CBD to help manage the many symptoms of MS

Multiple Sclerosis is considered by most MS scientists to be an auto-immune disease even though as of yet there hasn't been a specific antigen identified in MS. MS causes an abnormal response of the bodys immune system, causing it to attack the central nervous system. This response is often violent and unpredictable, causing severe pain that can be anywhere in the body. The pain can be widespread or isolated to one area of the body.

There is a fair amount of nerve damage associated with MS. The immune response causes inflammation which in turn damages the nerve fibers, myelin (the fatty substance that surrounds & insulates the nerve fibers), & the cells that manufacture myelin. This loss of myelin and damage to nerve cells causes the signals between the body and the brain to be disrupted.

People who suffer from MS often have very different experiences concerning when and where the pain flares show up. This is due to the widespread damage to the central nervous system caused by MS.

What are the symptoms of MS?

MS has many symptoms and can vary in severity and duration of attack from patient to patient. Some of the most common symptoms associated with MS include:

  • Vision problems. This is one of the most common problems associated with MS. Central vision is disrupted due to inflammation in the optic nerve. Some people experience pain when moving eyes too far in one direction.
  • Painful muscle spasms. Most commonly experienced in the back and legs, MS can cause spasticity in the muscles resulting in uncontrollable (not to mention very painful) jerking in these muscles.
  • Cognitive issues. About 50% of MS sufferers will develop memory problems, issues concentrating, & speech difficulty. Many of these people develop complications from anxiety and depression as well.
  • Balance issues/Dizziness. Many people living with MS report lightheaded dizzy feelings, especially when standing up. This is known as vertigo.
  • Tingling and numbness. This can be one of the earliest warning signs of MS and should be taken very seriously. MS affects the brain and spinal cord which is the body's command messaging center. Signaling becomes disrupted and can cause messages to be sent too fast, too slow, to many, or even not at all. Many people suffering with MS say that they experience a perpetual tingling and numbness in various parts of their bodies.
  • Bladder and bowel issues. Up to 80% of MS sufferers experience bladder incontinence (spontaneous loss of bladder), frequent urination or urge to urinate, and painful urination. Many people also report, diarrhea, constipation, IBS symptoms, and bowel incontinence (spontaneous loss of bowels).
  • Weakness & fatigue. Over 80% of MS patients report chronic fatigue and weakness in their extremities, most notably the legs.
  • Sexual arousal. This originates in the central nervous system so many MS sufferers also suffer from low or no sex drive as well as reported pain during intercourse.

Are there different types of MS?
Yes. The most recent research shows 4 disease courses identified in MS.

  1. Relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) : This is the most common disease course and is diagnosed in around 80% of MS patients. This is characterized by sudden (many times violent) onset of new or increasing symptoms that is followed by periods of remission.
  2. Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS) : This is characterized by progressive and/or worsening neurological function. Many people diagnosed with RRMS will transition to SPMS.
  3. Primary Progressive MS (PPMS) : PPMS is characterized by progressive and/or worsening symptoms from onset of MS.
  4. Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS) : This is a first episode of neurological symptoms lasting 24 or more hours. Many times this precedes a diagnoses of MS. People who experience CIS may or may not develop MS.

How does CBD help with MS?

  • CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can decrease the inflammatory response of myelin destruction
  • CBD can slow the neurodegenerative process of MS
  • CBD can aid in neuroregeneration
  • CBD can limit the progression of MS
  • CBD can reduce neurological disability
  • CBD can reduce pain signaling and spasticity
  • CBD can aid in sleep
  • CBD can reduce anxiety & stress and reduce the risk of depression.

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