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Fibromyalgia is miserable... Can CBD help?

Fibromyalgia is characterized by many symptoms with the most reported being widespread chronic pain. Approximately 2 to 4 percent of Americans live with Fibromyalgia. In this article I will give you a glimpse into my personal experience with CBD for Fibromyalgia. We will also look at some of the most common symptoms of Fibromyalgia, and how CBD has helped so many people decrease their need for prescription medications.

I have personal experience with this debilitating disease. My mother (who is the best mother in the world by the way) has lived with this disease for years. She dealt with extreme stress for many years before her symptoms developed (which we now know resulted in PTSD). I remember before she was diagnosed and going through a battery of tests to try to figure out what was wrong with her. We were all scared and very frustrated because she just kept getting worse and worse. We were no longer able to go on shopping trips because she could only walk for a little while. We couldn't take long trips because she could not sit in the car for long periods of time without severe pain throughout her whole body. She would have severe allergic type reactions for reasons we could not figure out. As soon as the doctor gave her the diagnoses of Fibromyalgia and I began to research it, suddenly it all made more sense. Widespread pain? Check... Severe allergies? Check.. Chronic fatigue? Check... I went down the list and checked off nearly every symptom on the list that she had been suffering with. Fibromyalgia was to be forever a part of our lives.

in April of 2018 I began my personal journey with CBD and relentless study of all of the amazing health benefits that this plant gives to us. In the first couple days I realized that I needed to get my Momma on CBD as soon as possible. Not only was I finding article after article of people who were using CBD for their Fibromyalgia symptoms, I was already starting to realize that I no longer needed pain medications for my own chronic back pain and CBD was the answer I had been praying for. She was amazed almost immediately at the relief she was experiencing. She began using Hemp Dropz water soluble, gummies, and pain cream. Within the first few days she was reporting to me that the "shocks" & "tingles" she always felt in her legs were all but gone, relief from muscle spasms, pain relief, better sleep... etc. She was totally sold & ready to start living with Fibromyalgia instead of just existing. Today she is going out with her friends, going to yoga class, taking 8 hour car trips to go see my sister in Tennessee, and able to play with her grandchildren. CBD gave us our Momma back and we could not be more grateful.

So, what is Fibromyalgia and what are it's causes?

Scientists are still somewhat baffled as to the exact causes of a person developing Fibromyalgia, but know that it is characterized by nerve signals going awry. People who suffer with Fibromyalgia may have more pain signaling cells than others as well as having fewer of the cells that slow pain signaling down. Our body has a phenomenal pain signaling network that is crucial for our survival. It tells you when something is wrong. When you get hurt your body sends a signal through your spinal cord to your brain which translates this signal as pain. As the injury heals, the pain gets better until it's finally gone... your body tells you "I'm good now". People who suffer from Fibromyalgia have a glitch in this signaling system. Their brains & bodies are in a constant state of "something's wrong and I hurt", even when it's not sick or injured. When these people do get injured the pain is much worse than a healthy person with the same injury.
Doctors still are unsure why some people develop Fibromyalgia and some don't. There are so many reasons a persons pain signaling system could malfunction in this way. Below are just a few.

  • Lack of physical activity : Fibromyalgia has been shown to be much more present in people who are not physically active. I know it's really hard to develop an exercise program for yourself when you are in pain, but you need to know how crucial it is to your pain signaling. Physical activity stimulates your body's own production of Anandamide (known as the "Bliss Molecule") which can significantly decrease pain signaling.
  • Gender : Fibromyalgia affects women much more than men. Many scientists believe that this is due to the many hormonal changes a female experiences in her life from an early age. Many men living with Fibromyalgia go undiagnosed.
  • Genetics : There seems to be a strong familial connection to Fibromyalgia and increased pain signaling as well as depression/anxiety which contributes to widespread pain.
  • Physical abuse, emotional abuse, & PTSD : People who experience abuse or a traumatic event experience a chemical change in the area of the brain that processes pain and stress. This can greatly increase their chance of developing Fibromyalgia

What are the symptoms of Fibromyalgia?
There are many many reported symptoms, a list that seems to grow larger as more research is completed. The most commonly reported symptoms are:

  • Widespread chronic pain
  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • "Buzzing", "Shocks", "Stinging", etc. in many parts of the body, most commonly the legs and feet.
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Inability to concentrate, often referred to as "fibro brain fog"
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (IBS, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, etc.)
  • Changes in vision
  • Anxiety & Depression

Does CBD help control the symptoms of Fibromyalgia?
The short answer is absolutely... The long answer is that everyone's
Endocannabinoid System is different, so no 2 people will have the exact same experience and timing. As I mentioned earlier my Momma began experiencing relief almost immediately, however I have had many customers who didn't start experiencing significant change for a few weeks. The most important thing that I have learned on this journey, based on customer feedback and testimonials, is that nearly all people who suffer from Fibromyalgia find significant relief of at least some of their most debilitating symptoms. Below is a list of the ways CBD can help with your Fibromyalgia symptoms.

  1. CBD can reduce brain inflammation which contributes to pain signaling and "fibro fog"
  2. CBD reduces musculoskeletal inflammation
  3. CBD is a neuroprotectant & can lessen brain cell damage after trauma by stimulating cell repair
  4. CBD is an antioxidant & blocks damage from free radicals
  5. CBD has strong anti-anxiety properties, taking your brains fight or flight response out of turbo and restoring signaling to normal
  6. CBD promotes overall Homeostasis in your body.

Here are a few more resources for you to look in to:

  1. 2011 study on cannabis use in people with Fibromyalgia
  2. 2018 testimonial from a woman using CBD for her Fibromyalgia symptoms
  3. 2017 testimonial from a 72 year old woman using CBD rich cannabis to wean herself off of opiates
  4. 2008 study on the role of clinical endocannabinoid deficiency in Fibromyalgia
  5. Dr. Liptan explains the science of CBD, and its uses in the treatment of fibromyalgia
  6. CBD School on YouTube: CBD for Fibromyalgia

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