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Beginners guide to nutritional mushrooms

Lions Mane, Turkey Tail, Reishi, Cordyceps, Agarikon, & Chaga.  What are they and what are the associated health benefits?

The world of mushrooms is so fascinating.  Countless varieties, health benefits, & uses. Mushrooms have been used as medicine for the body for centuries, gathering names like "food of the gods" by the Romans and "elixir for life" in Chinese culture.  Did you know that trees and all sorts of fauna communicate via mycelia?  Its a pretty fascinating phenomenon called a mycorrhizal network.  They can actually recognize their offspring!  So cool but not what we are here to learn about in this article.

Let's look at these amazing fungi & find out how to use them to support our amazing bodies.  Mushrooms possess natural defense against virus and bacteria.

When Studying the health benefits of mushrooms, one could easily become overwhelmed by all there is to learn.  In this article we are going to focus on 6 nutritional/medicinal mushrooms: Lions Mane, Turkey Tail, Reishi, Cordyceps, Agarikon, & Chaga.



Cordyceps is a parasitic fungi with powerful properties.  Used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine they pack a huge punch for energy & immunity.  What are some of the benefits of Cordyceps?

  • Energy boost/exercise performance: Cordyceps are thought to increase the body's production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which captures chemical energy from the breakdown of nutrients to fuel your cells.  This is thought to improve the way your body uses oxygen, especially when the body is active
  • Age Defying:  Cordyceps may reduce inflammatory process in the body by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines and targeting free radicals that cause oxidative stress.  Reducing mitochondrial stress naturally slows down premature aging.  Some studies also suggest that cordyceps support/increase sexual function.
  • Anti-Tumor Effects:  The potential for cordyceps to prevent/slow the growth of cancer cells has generated alot of buzz in the research community in recent years.  One study suggests that cordyceps presents anti-tumor activity in certain lung cancers, another study revealed that cordyceps led to a reduction in tumor size in mice.  Yet another study concluded that cordyceps reversed leukopenia caused by cancer treatments.
  • Heart Health:  Cordyceps can improve the health of your blood and the beautiful pump that circulates it.  Studies show that daily consumption of cordyceps can significantly reduce hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol).   Cordyceps is actually approved in China for the treatment of arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).  As more and more research emerges we are learning that your precious heart loves the support that mushrooms provide.

What is the method of consumption for Cordyceps?

The most popular methods of consumption for cordyceps are tinctures, teas, & capsules but you can also cook them if you can get your hands on dried or fresh mushrooms Here is an article on 3 ways to cook cordyceps.


Reishi was first documented in one of the world's oldest pharmacopeia, possibly written as long as 5000 years ago! That's wild. Known in Chinese medicine as "Ling Zhi" meaning "plant that nourishes the spirit", this little mushie has a big personality.

The earliest known recording of Reishi is found in China's oldest Herbal Classic book.  Taoist priests were studying Reishi in the quest for immortality.

The taste is bitter, its atmospheric energy is neutral, it has no toxicity… It is good for the Qi of the head, including mental activities. It tonifies the spleen, increases wisdom, improves memory so you won’t forget. Long term consumption will lighten the body, you will never become old. It lengthens years. It has spiritual powers, and it develops spirit so that you become a 'spirit being like the immortals.'”

Another cool fact about Reishi is that it is believed that Confusius consumed this mushroom daily.

So what are some of the health benefits of Reishi?

  • Reishi is an adaptogen.  It helps your body respond to stress by stabilizing your cortisol levels & helping certain systems in your body get back into homeostasis.  Reishi is a perfect choice for anyone experiencing daily stress (I mean, after the last few years aren't we all?)
  • Some studies have shown Reishi to be an immune-modulator which can stabilize auto-immune and histamine responses.  Polysaccharide in the cell walls of Reishi activate natural and adaptive immune system by enhancing the function and number of natural killer cells and certain T-cells.  China and Japan regularly prescribe mushroom extracts for people going through chemotherapy to help the body get through the violence of the treatment.
  • Reishi has been widely recognized as a powerful cancer fighting food.   One study in (advanced lung cancer) showed significant improvement in natural killer & T-cells.  In another, Reishi was used as a single agent on metastatic cancer patients, significant enhancement of cellular immunity was noted with high plasma concentrations of interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma, and natural killer (NK) cell activity according to the article "A Phase I/II Study of a Ganoderma lucidum (Curt.: Fr.) P. Karst. Extract (Ganopofy) in Patients with Advanced Cancer".   
  • Reishi can help fight fatigue and depression & leave you feeling more energized.  One study looked at the lives of 132 people diagnosed with neurasthenia.  The results showed significant improvement compared to placebo.  Certain elements of this mushroom can also reduce your LDL (bad cholesterol) as well as blood pressure.


Agarikon is an unusual and rare mushroom that is native to the conifer forests of North America and Europe.  Known by the scientific name Laricifomes officinalis, Agarikon is a beehive shaped mushroom and is a polypore, which means that it has a large fruiting body with pores (tube like structures) on the underside from which it's spores emit to the forest floor.  What are some of the health benefits of Agarikon?

  • Agarikon can help with respiratory issues.  Nutritional deficiencies can affect the lungs' ability to control oxidative stress and Agarikon can help support this anti-inflammatory process.  Naturally occurring coumarin compounds in Agarikon help break down mucus and reduce inflammation in the lungs.  This can be especially helpful in people with chronic respiratory issues.
  • Agarikon has shown anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial properties and used for centuries in the treatment of infected wounds, tuberculosis, arthritis and so much more.  A recent study highlighted the anti-microbial properties of Agarikon
  • The Greek Physician Dioscorides described Agarikon mushrooms as the elixir of long life.
  • Agarikon samples have been studied by the BioShield BioDefense program via the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.  Several of the eleven strains tested showed “exceptionally strong activity against viruses including pox (cowpox), swine (H1N1) and bird (H5N1) flu, and herpes (HSV1, HSV2) viruses. In several sets of tests, dilutions of our natural ethanol extracts against flu viruses exceeded the potency of the positive drug control — ribavirin — against flu viruses by a factor of 10 or more.”

Turkey Tail

Known as Trametes versicolor & Coriolus versicolor, turkey tail got its name from it's multicolor fan shaped body.  It has plenty of benefits for humans but it has also shown great promise as a daily supplement for our fur babies!  What are the benefits of Turkey Tail for us?

  • Turkey tail has a really impressive array of antioxidants which combats oxidative stress, a key cause of many diseases in the body.  These compounds also stimulate the release of protective compounds in the body.
  • Turkey Tail contains immune-boosting polysaccharide peptides.  They provide immune response by both activating and inhibiting specific types of immune cells and suppressing inflammation.
  • Due to the ability of these peptides found in Turkey Tail to naturally strengthen the immune systems, they are often used as anti-cancer agents along side of surgery, immunotherapy, chemo, & radiation in countries such as China and Japan.
  • Turkey Tail has been known to reduce the size of tumors in mice when given as a daily dose.
  • Turkey Tail has probiotics that nourish the healthy bacteria that we need in our gut & suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria which can vastly improve gut health.

Lions Mane

I have previously written an article for on Lions Mane, click here to view this article and read how Lions Mane is wonderful for immune boosting, cognitive function, and brain health.


Known by its scientific name, Inonotus obliquus, Chaga is one of the most highly revered medicinal fungi.  I'm having a hard time choosing my favorite out of this list but this guy is way up there because it is so so powerful in so many ways.  Known as the diamond of the forest, Chaga is not a fruiting mushroom like we are used to, in fact it looks like a little bumpy rock or piece of coal.  A wonderful little rock look alike,  Chaga is the mycellium (roots).  What are some of the benefits of Chaga?

  • Chaga contains immune-modulating compounds like beta-glucans & helps reduce oxidative stress and help white blood cells with their duties in our body.  This alone can have a powerful balancing effect on thyroid health which is good news for those with diagnoses of diseases such as Hashimoto's.
  • Many studies highlight the potential for Chaga to slow the growth of cancer cells.  One study reported "60% tumor reduction was observed".  Other research had similar outcomes looking at breast, colon, lung, & prostate cancers.
  • Another study showed much promise in Chaga to fight colonizing bacteria and it's effectiveness as an immune enhancer during chemotherapy.
  • Chaga inhibits oxidative DNA damage thus preventing inflammation and disease.
  • As a person diagnosed with elevated cholesterol, this one is especially encouraging to me.  Chaga can help reduce bad cholesterol, bolster good cholesterol, and help prevent and even reduce heart disease due to it being packed with anti-oxidants.  The powerful antioxidants in Chaga will also balance blood pressure.
  • Chaga can help with blood sugar for those with insulin resistance, diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.  One study looked specifically at Type 2 diabetes.  Researchers concluded in yet another study that the effects of a 500mg per kg dose produced results similar to that of medications like metformin.
  • Chaga contains melano-glucan complexes which have anti-microbial potential and can aid in controlling digestive issues.

I could go on and on for days about the properties of these wonderful fungi.  If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to reach out and I will do my best to find the answers you seek

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