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Schizophrenia & CBD

Schizophrenia & CBD

According to SARDAA (Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Alliance of America ), approximately 3.5 million Americans are diagnosed with schizophrenia. In this article we will discuss schizophrenia statistics & take a look at how CBD is coming out as an effective anti-psychotic.

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is defined by American Psychiatric Association as "A chronic brain disorder that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population". They go on to add that when this disorder is active, symptoms can include delusions, hallucinations, trouble with thinking and concentration, and lack of motivation. It's also worth noting that there is a higher than average rate of co-occuring conditions (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.) resulting in younger mortality rates.

What causes schizophrenia?

The exact cause of schizophrenia is unknown. Although it's unknown why some people develop schizophrenia and some do not, most researchers agree that any combination of genetic, environmental, physiological, and physical conditions contribute to the development of the disorder. Most available research also suggests that for the most part, schizophrenia is very treatable.

Who is affected by schizophrenia?

This is sort of a loaded question. So many different factors seem to affect the "who" & "when". Let's take a look at the most common risk factors.

  • Genetics : Schizophrenia tends to run in families, though (at the time this article was written) no specific gene has been targeted as the cause
  • Complications during pregnancy : Exposure to certain viruses, toxins, and maternal malnutrition may affect fetal brain development and lead to the development of schizophrenia
  • Auto-immune and Inflammatory disorders : Some research suggests that there is a connection between certain auto-immune and inflammatory disorders. A paper published in 2014 suggests that anti-inflammatory agents can significantly decrease severity of symptoms.
  • Abuse of mind altering drugs in young adulthood : Abuse of mind altering chemicals during brain development significantly increases the chances of developing psychosis.
  • Advanced age of father : Studies suggest that the damaged DNA in sperm cells of older men can contribute to the development of schizophrenia
  • Extreme stress : Schizophrenia can be triggered in people already vulnerable to it's development by major life stressers such as
  • Sexual, physical, emotional abuse
  • Grief/Bereavement
  • Sudden loss of income
  • Divorce/loss of an important relationship

Although none of the above things are known as the absolute cause of the development of schizophrenia, they are risk factors to be aware of.

What does schizophrenia "look" like?
The symptoms of schizophrenia are broad and not the same in every person. They are usually classified into 2 main categories:

  1. Negative symptoms are defined as withdrawal or lack of interest that are usually not present in a healthy person. People with schizophrenia often have a flat affect and appear emotionless. Negative symptoms often occur for several years before one experiences a psychotic episode.
  2. Positive symptoms are defined as any change in behavior/thoughts such as delusions or hallucinations.

What's the difference between a delusion and a hallucination?
People with schizophrenia often suffer hallucinations and delusions which are very very real to them. It doesn't chance the fact even though others around them do not experience these sensations. This has been seen on brain imaging, showing the altered sense of reality.

:A hallucination is a sensory experience where the person hears, sees, tastes, smells, or feels something that is not based in reality. The most commonly suffered delusion is hearing voices. The voices are sometimes heard in their head, or through inanimate objects such as a tv or radio. Some report the voices as friendly, and some as crude and even violent giving harmful instructions or making demands.
Delusion :A delusion is a belief held with steadfast conviction even though it is based on an unrealistic or strange point of view & can profoundly affect the persons behavior.

  • A person suffering from a delusion may believe that another person (typically a celebrity or very important person in the sufferers life) is speaking directly to them through an inanimate vehicle such as a commercial or billboard.
  • A person suffering from a delusion may believe that others are out to get them. They may believe that another person is trying to destroy, humiliate, or even kill them. Many people suffering from delusions fear that a family member or close friend is watching, following, recording, plotting against them, etc. Delusions can also be a way for the sufferer to explain a hallucination that they are having.

How can CBD help with the symptoms of schizophrenia?
I will start this answer by addressing that there have been studies that suggest that there is an association between cannabis high in THC and schizophrenia. It deserves mentioning that while some of these studies make claims that cannabis plays a casual role in the development of schizophrenia, it has in by no means been ruled out that people likely develop schizophrenia are just more prone to use cannabis.

CBD has been known for years to modulate the psychoactive effects of cannabis and be very effective in blocking THC psychosis.

  • Many people suffer from a deficient Endocannabinoid System
  • CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory: As mentioned above, anti-inflammatory agents can significantly reduce the severity & duration of symptoms
  • CBD is a powerful anti-anxiety agent: CBD is known to decrease and even stop anxiety just as effectively as medications with fewer to no side effects.
  • CBD is being studied as an anti-psychotic

The bottom line is that if an imbalanced system is causing misfires in chemical signals in the brain, then CBD can help your Endocannabinoid System to function at it's peak.

Related Conditions

Please remember: For people suffering from this disorder, these hallucinations and delusions are very real to them and can be terrifying and no amount of ignoring, shaming, or belittling is going to change that. Please please be kind to anyone you meet or know who is struggling with mental health challenges.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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