(816) 434-5284 · 618 SW 3rd Street Suite J, Lee's Summit, MO
We Are Your Local CBD Specialists
(816) 434-5284 · 618 SW 3rd Street Suite J, Lee's Summit, MO · We Are Your Local CBD Specialists
Dentistry is one of the oldest medical professions with evidence of dental work done with tools as early as 7000 BC.
I can't imagine having a tooth drilled with a bow drill , but that was the technology of the day.... OUCH! In this article we are going to take a look at how far dentistry has come over the years, how your mouth health can affect your overall health and the many ways CBD can help you not only to calm your nerves at the dentist, but also possibly reduce the amount of visits you need to make to the dentist other than your check-up/cleaning visits.
The history of dentistry
While we have come a long way since the days of old, the dentist still ranks very very high on the list of phobias for most people. As high as 75% of adults in the US have some level of anxiety when faced with a dental visit, and 5 to 10% of those have crippling fear of the dentist. This is caused by many factors not the least of which is bad childhood experiences that lead to fear in adulthood. For many people this fear is intense enough to cause them to avoid the dentist all together. This is the first thing I'm going to address when it comes to CBD and oral health. I was one of those people who had a very bad dentist in childhood (the man was literally ran out of Missouri). For years I was unable (and dentists were unwilling) to have dental work without being sedated. Every instance of major dental work I've had done in adulthood has been under sedation, typically requiring me to come in on a day when no other patients were scheduled. I could not even go to a cleaning or check-up without taking a tranquilizer to get through it. Last year was the first time I have ever even tried to go to the dentist without taking medication. I put CBD to it's ultimate test in my life when I went in to have a crown put on and was so super excited that I did it! I got through a 3 hour appointment with shots, drilling, & fitting without taking prescription medication. I took a dose of CBD prior to the appointment and another small dose halfway through. Even though it was still not a pleasant experience, I felt a strong surge of pride that I was able to do it completely pharmaceutical free.
How does oral health affect overall health?
Your mouth is the gateway to your digestive and respiratory tracts & teams with bacteria that can be beneficial as well as harmful to your overall health. A healthy oral microbiome is essential for your overall health. Your gums are an entry point into your bloodstream, so when a person with poor oral health and oral care develops gum disease, this can lead to toxins and bad bacteria being carried all over your body & that can cause a whole host of medical issues. The most severe are called
periodontitis &
necrotizing periodontitis. Periodontitis develops when
gingivitis is left unchecked. Periodontitis can include symptoms like, red/swollen gums that are tender or painful, bleeding, bad breath, receding gums, loose teeth, etc. Necrotizing periodontitis goes even further causing ulcers, tooth loss, jaw bone loss, & loss of the tissues that hold your teeth in. This can lead to serious infections that can threaten your overall health.
There are several diseases & conditions that can be linked to poor oral health. These include, but are not limited to:
How can CBD help with oral health?
I will probably never, ever be excited about going to the dentist, but I can say that now I have something I know from experience helps so much with my anxiety, nausea, and pain during and after the appointment. Try it for yourself, you have nothing to loose but your dental anxiety.
*The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.