(816) 434-5284 · 618 SW 3rd Street Suite J, Lee's Summit, MO
We Are Your Local CBD Specialists
(816) 434-5284 · 618 SW 3rd Street Suite J, Lee's Summit, MO · We Are Your Local CBD Specialists
To anyone who has never experienced anxiety before it is very hard to understand... however, to anyone who has, the above photo contains emotions and actions that are very familiar.
I struggled with anxiety for years when I was a child. So many things would cause me to have what I now know was a sometimes debilitating anxiety response. I would get physical as well as emotional symptoms, and I had no ability to deal with things that frightened me. Dentist?
Lost it.....Doctor?
Lost it....Big Storms? Lost it....There were so many things that made me nervous that I can't even list them all. It was really hard being around so many people who didn't know how to deal with me and had no idea what I was going through. I was labeled "drama queen", "attention seeker", and just an overall bad kid. It was humiliating and scary to not be able to control my emotions. As I got older I developed various coping mechanisms but many of them were unhealthy. I hated the way the pills made me feel so i stopped taking them all together. The one healthy thing that I did find was exercise. I got addicted to going to the gym & it seemed to help the symptoms. When I was put on narcotics in my 20s for pain, my physical anxiety symptoms seemed to get better.... Now that I'm off of them I realize that I was just numbed to my emotional, physical, and spiritual pain so it seemed easier to deal with. Turns out it was just a band-aid on a bullet hole...
Cut to April 3rd 2018 when I made the best decision I've ever made and quit the medication and went on a mission to find a healthier way to manage my pain. (You can read my story
here.) April 4th: Enter CBD... I was so happy to realize that CBD did even more to manage my pain than the medications I was on, but the anxiety was now awake and angry as ever. It literally came back in like a tsunami and took a hold of me more violently than ever. I had not yet figured out my CBD dosing and was taking way too much, so the pain was under control, but the anxiety was not. I tried really hard not to get too discouraged, after all I had just put my body in extreme shock by quitting narcotics cold turkey. I became acutely aware of my body and every tiny change happening within. Anything tangible that I could hold onto like a lifeline. I could tell that each day was a little bit better than the last. Of course there were a few days that felt like 2 steps forward and 3 steps back, but for the most part I was determined to celebrate every minute victory. If you are reading this and you experience extreme anxiety, you know that even the most menial task seems like a mountain that you simply don't have the energy or the will to climb. I will never forget the celebration in my house when I made a goal to get up and check the mail that day and accomplished it..... The high fives and tears the first time I was able to go to the grocery store. Day by day, it got better. I acquired more and more coping mechanisms and got my CBD dosing dialed in. I was gonna make it.... You can too...Don't give up.
I was so very blessed to have an amazing husband who was an absolute God send. He had no clue what I was going through inside, but he was just unconditionally supportive & never ever, made me feel anything other than safe and loved. It breaks my heart when I talk to people who are experiencing this kind of extreme anxiety with seemingly no support. To these people I want to say, please please please reach out to me. I will sit and talk with you as much as you need. Come by the store, call me at the store 816-434-5284, or message me on Facebook at Rustic Oils or CBD of Lee's Summit. This is something that can be managed and I promise that you will not feel this way forever. Give yourself permission to not be ok some days, but at the same time celebrate every victory.
*The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.